1st Case: Farm Frites

The challenge
To grow Distribution, Availability, Visibility of Farm Frites Potato in the Modern Trade Hyper Market

The solution
IFM Merchandising Team, have been allocated on the Most highly Traffic Stores such as Carrefour and Hyper Markets, working as per an agreed Journey Plan, especially during the weekends, to Promptly replenish the shelves, and Block the competition.

The Results
Securing 100 % availability , by avoiding any out of stock cases, and better Visibility versus competition by gaining an average of 5 new Faces, and lines in the main Fridges, reflecting on 15 % growth rate on the off takes from inside the same selected stores.

2nd Case: Danone Nutrition

The challenge
Danone Nutrition Baby Milk products used to be sold only in the pharmacies, not in the Modern Trade. Penetrating the Key accounts segment needs a lot of Investment to build the Category in such limited space in the Modern Stores

The solution
IFM Allocated Pro- Merchandisers Team, who act as Promoters and Merchandisers at the same time, merchandising the product on the shelf and build from scratch a new category to be present on the shelf increasing the shelf share and boosting the sell out from the Modern Trade

The Results
Creating a new Sales Channels, beside the Traditional Pharmacy Line, by adding the Key accounts sector, and in less than 2 years, the Modern Trade contributed by 6 % from the Total Overall Sales. Also, the Competition followed and introduced their products into the Modern Trade Markets.

3rd Case: Intel

The challenge
Intel wants to focus on increasing the Awareness Level, and to block any potential Competitor by applying the push and pull strategy to continue becoming the top of Mind provider.

The solution
IFM Allocated Brand Ambassadors on the Trade level, talking to end consumers, educating them, as well, as organizing Trade events for Traders for more Brand engagement.

The Results
Creating one to one relationship with the section manager inside the main Hyper Telecommunication sector. Increase awareness among end customers, reflected by a growth in total sales of hardware devices.